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94 € 3 305 €

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author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 40/40 см
Size with frame: 57/57 см
Price: 653 €
Synchronous Cycle 2
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 20/20 cm
Size with frame: 33/33 cm
Price: 168 €
Скритото съвършено бяло
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 20/20 см
Size with frame: 33/33 см
Price: 171 €
Далечни Брегове
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 40/40 см
Size with frame: 58/58 см
Price: 653 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 70/70 см
Size with frame: 90/90 см
Price: 1 680 €
Winter Story
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 37/26 cm
Size with frame: 41/ 52 cm
Price: 1 428 €
Autumn by the river
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 40/40 cm
Size with frame: 55 /55 cm
Price: 653 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 47/31 cm
Size with frame: 63/46 cm
Price: 2 040 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 65/60 см
Size with frame: 82/77
Price: 1 318 €
Ван Гог - Копие
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 66/56 см
Size with frame:
Price: 2 693 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 33/46 см
Size with frame: 49/65 см
Price: 604 €
Ван Гог - Копие
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 60/40 см
Size with frame: 76/56см
Price: 3 305 €
Цикъл Пеперуди - Светлина
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 23/37 см
Size with frame: 33/ 47 см
Price: 265 €
Sea Boats in Blue
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 18/18сm
Size with frame: 33 /33 cm
Price: 181 €
Пейзаж в Светлина
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 31/80 см
Size with frame: 45/94 см
Price: 1 094 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 15/23 cm
Size with frame: 25/33 cm
Price: 171 €
Есенна Къща
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 27/41 см
Size with frame: 37/51см
Price: 456 €
Диалогът на Лодките
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 60/24 см
Size with frame: 74/38см
Price: 344 €
Рояк Лодки
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 19/50 см
Size with frame: 29/60 см
Price: 288 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 40/80 см
Size with frame: 55/95см
Price: 1 301 €
Abstract Painting
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 30/30 cm
Size with frame: 42/42 cm
Price: 337 €
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 60/30 cm
Size with frame: 73/43 cm
Price: 612 €
Къщи върху Скалите
author: Zhaklin Yamelieva Canvas size: 27/ 33см
Size with frame: 37/43см
Price: 212 €
Три Летни Утринни Платноходки
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 30/ 50 см
Size with frame: 40/ 60см
Price: 604 €
Large Lilac Bouquet
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 33/27 cm
Size with frame: 46/40 cm
Price: 1 091 €
Autumn by the river
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 27/41 cm
Size with frame: 40/54 cm
Price: 456 €
Есенна Боженска Панорама
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 46/55 см
Size with frame: 56/65см
Price: 643 €
Две Дунавски Лодки
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 30/60 см
Size with frame: 46/76см
Price: 2 157 €
The white shore
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 15/30 cm
Size with frame: 28/43 cm
Price: 212 €
Nessebar Evening
author: Zhaklin Yamelieva Canvas size: 22/33 cm
Size with frame: 35/46 cm
Price: 291 €
Memories of the sea
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 39/81 cm
Size with frame: 54/96 cm
Price: 1 301 €
Зимни Приказки
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 20/20 см
Size with frame: 28/28см
Price: 173 €
На Прага на Рая
author: Zhaklin Yamelieva Canvas size: 46/33 см
Size with frame: 58/45 см
Price: 617 €
Sailboats near the Coast
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 31/13 cm
Size with frame: 41/23 cm
Price: 135 €
Two Morning Sailboats
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 30/50 cm
Size with frame: 44/64 cm
Price: 604 €
Ван Гог - Копие натюрморт
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 28/22 см
Size with frame: 43/37см
Price: 1 680 €
Ван Гог - Копие Цветове
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 28/22 cm
Size with frame: 43/37 cm
Price: 1 680 €
Tired Sea Boats
author: Machel Yameliev Canvas size: 70/30 cm
Size with frame: 85/45 cm
Price: 2 780 €
Sea life
author: Zhaklin Yamelieva Canvas size: 31/41 cm
Size with frame: 47/57 cm
Price: 1 760 €
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